22 November 2010

Theatrical "Security" Administration FAIL!

The Terrorists are way ahead of the United States. If this were a sporting match of any sort the score would be as follows. Terrorists 1.5T, US nil. The TSA is WAY behind when it comes to twarting terror attacks in the United States. The purpose of the terrorists is to create, guess what? TERROR! as long as "we" live in fear, they win plain and simple. Until we can turn the tide and make them afraid of us, we will never win this war.

So, here's what I propose as a solution. Let the TSA focus on bagage and cargo. That is the real threat hear, not 12-year-old white boys. Next, get rid of all the extra stupid "security" screening of passengers trying to fly. It's not working and people are pissed.

Let's look at some simple math to solve this problem. (at the time of writing this I know that the government can't make it work because I said it was simple. FAIL!) There are 9.6% of Americans out of work right now. That's roughly 29M people. Let's assume that half of those are able to perform rigorus work, so 14M people. There are approx. 150,000 flights per day in the US. So there are plenty of people available for what I'm about to propose.

We take those 14M people and we give them some specalized training on how to take down terrorists on a plane. We arm them with the weapons they'll need to accomplish the task. Then we just let people fly fully advertising to the world and on every Safety briefing on every flight that if you plan on pulling off something funny the guy next to you could be a highly trained killer.

What does this accomplish? One, We can get people back to work. Two, People can truely feel safe knowing there could be as much as half of the people on the flight ready to protect them. Three, the terrorist can finally get a taste of their own medecine. Fourth, Citizens can fly around and work while looking for a job (interview in another state and such). Fifth, the public can finally have some confidence in knowing that their government is tryely striking at the terrorists and not just doing knee-jerk reactions to what's going on in their world.

18 November 2010

Rocky Anderson FAIL!

Former President George W. Bush is visiting Utah tomorrow. Rocky Anderson is planning a protest MILES away.
Here's the article
I'd like to see the evidence he's got on the former President and his administration. I don't think he has any, so he's just blowing smoke. Instead of stirring up people over nothing, why isn't he presenting his evidence in court? Why isn't he protesting where the former President can see him? 'Cause he's LAME!

I'm not saying I approve of everything President Bush did, but there hasn't really been a President of the United States that has been all that great. For the most part they all suck equally and as bad as each one has screwed up something pretty good I think that they have good intentions. Even if I don't completely agree with what's happening.

Rocky Anderson can just go away for good and I'd be happy with that.

01 November 2010

Political Independence

On the eve of election day I have some final reflections on this mid-term election.
First. If you have a (R) or a (D) after your name you are NOT allowed to declare youself "independant" or to have an "independant" voice. Last time I checked there are only two senators that are listed as (I).

Second. If you need the President of the United States to campaign for you, then you shouldn't be in office. If you can't win an election on your own merit, then why do I want you in there. Also, if you do require the services of the President of the United States, then I think you should pick up the tab, not the American people.

Third. As important as elections are, I'm so glad when they're over. I'd sure like the people that are exacting their will on us to get back to work.

27 October 2010


Here's how I'm planning on voting in this years elections. This is in no particular order.


I feel pretty comfortable with my voting decisions. I'm comfortable with the amount of research I've done on the candidates and issues that are relevant to my balot. I'm always interested to see how things turn out. Bring on November 2!

04 October 2010

Utah Government FAIL!

So the State of Utah has this massive road reconstruction project going on to widen a major portion of the I-15 corridor project. Well some contractor whined about the bid process and the State gives him $13 Million Dollars! I'm sorry I thought the state was strapped for monies. Aren't we having to cut jobs, reduce spending on Education, etc? Why do we have to cater to whiner's like this?

Here's some food for thought on this. The average teacher salary in Utah is around $40,000 / year. That's not very much, but $13M would pay for over 300 teachers for one year! That would make a serious dent in classroom sizes.

I'm not voting for Herbert.

30 September 2010


The State of Utah has been running an ad campaign trying to get everyone to get out and vote.

I don't care if you are registered (R) or (D) or (Whatever), just get out and vote. I can't tollerate people that don't vote and then complain about what our elected officials are doing. I make an effort to vote in every election I'm allowed to vote in. Utah Republicans don't allow anyone other than registered Republican to vote in primaries, so I typically only get to vote in the general elections.

What's awesome about the Utah web site is that I can see what's on my ballot BEFORE I go to the polls. I can then do my research on the candidates and issues presented to me. There isn't much better than an educated voter. The website also tells me when and where to vote as well as my affiliation. If you haven't guessed, I'm registered as "unaffiliated". :D

I plan on knowing how I'm going to vote long before election day arrives. Then voting will only take a moment. A couple of years ago I had a friend get me hooked on Absentee voting, and I didn't get renewed to vote absentee, but that isn't going to stop me from doing my civic duty!

So, if you don't vote you can't say anything about what happens over the next two years. If you do, then you have every right to complain.

24 September 2010

Federal Income Taxes pt 2

I've thought about taxes lately. If you read my post from 2008 on taxes it'll help to understand how I think the tax system should work. So if a person makes the Federal Minimum wage of $7.25 / hour then he makes $15,080 / year. So 10% income tax would be $1,508. If you know that that will be your obligation to the government then instead of a payroll deduction in an amount that only GOD knows if it'll be enough, people can put that 10% in an interest bearing account with the financial institution of their choice and actually make money on their OWN money!

The money that people set aside to pay their taxes will then be used by the financial institution to make loans to businesses that then in turn can hire and pay employees that will then pay their 10% to the government. Not sure how this could be a bad thing. Because the interest is income you would still have to pay 10% on that as well. With a 12-month flexible CD account $1,508 won't increase much, but it will be an increase for the individual, not the government!

Businesses will still pay quarterly taxes, and would pay 10% on all revenue (just like individuals!) what a novel idea!

This means that after a couple of years the government would have a pretty good idea of how much money they have to budget. The next step would be to dump all the crap we keep spending money on in this country. Here's how you trim the budget. If it doesn't fall under the category of life, liberty, or the persuit of happiness. We shouldn't be wasting our money on it! Here's how it works. Defense = liberty, so we pay for it. Education = persuit of happiness, we pay for that too! FDA = life, we pay for that too (however I think we need to look inside to get rid of all the stupid stuff the FDA does.)

So there's this guy that had some TV commercials for a while where he wore a coat of question marks and he touted his book of thousands of grant programs that would give people free money for stupid stuff. Here's a novel idea uncle sam. GET THAT BOOK AND SHUT ALL THAT WASTFUL SPENDING OUT! could save the government MILLIONS of dollars EACH year. Think of how that could help our education system! Think of all the teachers throughout the United States that could hire to help our children become the best in the world!

Once you've got a handle on how much money the government would have to spend each year. Year to year if the revenue goes up then the economy improved! If it goes down then you trim the budget! Really if everything is paid for then the left overs could pay off our deficit! Or invest that additional money on short term projects like upgrading the ageing infrastructure in this country. The only way to invest in America is to quit giving the government all our money and keep it in circulation of average americans.